Ted Stafford

Welcome to this, my third attempt at a web page. Like number two, it's currently hosted by Tripod. At least they seem to be able to put topical ads at the top of the pages. In any case, what you'll find here is a very skeletal (no, Kris, not the "Skeletor") site that, ideally, will be heavy on anecdotes and links and light on beautiful design. The lack of form is regrettable, especially now that it's not 1997 anymore. Hey, one thing at a time. Someday maybe I'll work on the presentation rather than just serve up the meat and potatoes. Let's try to get started with the content in the meantime...

A few links

I have a blog now. I suppose that will eventually be updated more than this page.

A biographical piece about my Dad from UAH

My Dad

My fledgling highpointing page

My partner in highpointing crime, Mike DeHaye (Mike just ran for Mayor of Huntsville!)

Kris Young Our man in the ATL

David Gasper Our man in Manhattan